Thursday, July 19, 2012

Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas Neverfull

I think I've missed a couple of things, but they're all mine, suckas! Ha! I'm no 'newbie' when it comes to LV. My very first LV was in the 80's --a speedy, when LV
first came out this way and was associated with snooty, rich old ladies or no one knew what the hell they were. And back then...a speedy was about $350. Yep, read
it and weep. That's how much more they were "affordable" back then.

Over the last several years, the majority of my LV purchases have been made in the Honolulu store. Why? Because the service is hands down the best, and like the
other two reviewers here, the prices in Hawaii are a little lower, but that may change soon.

Anyway, with all the tourists coming through, especially Japanese tourists, this LV store has got to kiss ass moreso than any of the LV stores I've been to. So much
so, that there's one sales associate in particular who I've befriended over the years of traveling to Hawaii and buying from this store. When I'm in Oahu, I will
only buy from her. Which means, I give her a call in advance of my vacation there, let her know what I'm interested in seeing--especially if there's new stuff that
hasn't hit the local LV stores here. Since this store is considered a global store, they typically have more inventory coming in and will get the new stuff first.
Upon my arrival at the store, I get to preview all the cool, new stuff in the "special" room upstairs, and get served Veuve Cliquot and brownies from Big Island

I end up spending a couple of hours in this store and with no pressure to buy, even though I usually end up dropping a couple grand or so.

I love this LV store!

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